The 2018 GOLDEN BOAT– PHOTO Competition is organised in the frameworks of the 8th International Festival of Youth Creativity FOLK INSPIRATIONS held in Lodz and Zalecze Wielkie from the 23th until the 30th June 2018. It is addressed to passionate photographers who will get inspired during the festival by the richness of cultural traditions of various nations and ethnic groups of the world.

1. Organisers of the competition
Julian Tuwim Youth Centre in Lodz
CONVIVO Foundation for Promotion and Support of Creativity

2. Aim of the competition
The aim of the competition is to inspire passionate photographers to create works based on the topic of folklore, folk culture and traditions of various nations and ethnic groups of the world, as well as the conscious and creative participation in the 8th International Festival of Youth Creativity FOLK INSPIRATIONS.

3. Participants of the competition
The participants of the competition are adults and youth, according to age categories.

4. Competition age categories
Category I: ages 12–16,
Category II: ages 17–25,
Category III: over 25.

5. Other organizational conditions:
1) The competition participant declares that is the author of the work, has copyright to the work submitted for the competition and transfers it to the organisers of the Festival for the purpose of publication and other forms of dissemination.
2) Competition participant transfers copyrights to the organisers free of charge without time and territorial restrictions, in the fields of exploitation referred to in Article 50 of the Polish Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the 4th February 1994, in particular with regard to the publication, recording, reproduction, also by means of digital technology, publication on the organisers’ websites and in all promotional and advertising materials, regardless of the method of reproduction and marketing.
3) The organizer does not send entries. The works involved in the post-competition exhibition become the organizer’s property.
4) Questions regarding the contest should be directed to the Festival Office at:

6. Competition works
1) The topic of the photos:
a) “Lodz promotes folk”
b) “Lodz creates folk”
2) The participant takes competition photos during the festival.
3) Competition works should reflect the activities of the dance groups, vocalists, project groups and designers in various areas during the Festival in Zalecze Wielkie or in Lodz.
4) The subjects of the images should refer to folklore, ethnic cultures and folk traditions of regions, countries and nations represented at the Festival.
5) The competition participant can submit up to 3 works in digital format.
6) The images should have suitable resolution to be enlarged to the size of 30×40 cm.

7. Assessment criteria of competition works
1) Accordance of the images with the topic and aims of the competition.
2) Innovatory approach to the subject of folklore and ethno in the festival space.
3) Esthetical value.
4) Technical value of the image: framing, focus etc.
Competition works will be assessed by the Jury. Winners will be awarded GOLDEN, SILVER and BRONZE BOATS as well as diplomas and prizes.

8. Registration for the competition
1) Participants are required to register at by filling in the electronic FESTIVAL REGISTRATION FORM – 2018 GOLDEN BOAT – PHOTO Competition. Submitting the electronic registration form is equivalent to accepting the rules of the competition and the rules of the Festival. Online registration will be open from the 10th of April 2018 until the 10th of June 2018 inclusive. After that date registrations will not be accepted.
2) Participants are required to pay the competition fee of 15 PLN (3 Euro) to the bank account of Fundacja Promocji i Wspierania Twórczości CONVIVO, address: 90-106 Lodz, Traugutta 5/5, account no BZWBK 79 1090 2705 0000 0001 1024 6980. The transfer should specify the first name and family name of the participant. This payment should be calculated per participant not per number of works. The lack of payment will equal rejection of the competition works.

9. Submitting competition works
1) Competition works, saved on a CD or other data storage device, should be delivered to the FOLK-PHOTO zone in the no later than by 28.06.2018 till 12.00 to the festival office in J.Tuwim youth centre or to the reception of the hostel.
2) The CD or other data storage device with photos should be labelled with the following details: first and last name of the author, age, place of residence, region, country, e-mail address, contact phone, title of the work.

10. Competition results
1) Information about the place and time of the vernissage and giving out awards ceremony will be available on the website until 15.04.2018. Laureates will be informed about the verdict by phone and e-mail.
2) The most interesting works will be presented during post-competition exhibition. The works for the exhibition will be selected by the organisers.
3) The competition results will be published at